Thursday, May 9, 2013

Aerios WP Responsive HTML5

Aerios WP Responsive HTML5 - Blog / Magazine WordPress

Aerios is a stylish and highly customizable blog/magazine WordPress theme, featuring:

Fully Responsive HTML5

Theme Settings Panel: Easily configure all aspects of this theme directly from your Dashboard.

Custom Post or Page Backgrounds: Easily swap the background for each individual post or page.

10 Custom Widgets:
Contact Form
Contact Info
Recent Comments
Recent Posts
WYSIWYG Text Widget

3 Custom page templates:
Contact Form

Many Built-in Shortcodes

Repositionable Sidebar: Place the sidebar on the left-hand or right-hand side of the page (or even remove it entirely).

Custom Background, Logo, and Color Scheme: Don’t like the default page background, logo, or color scheme? Easily change them to anything you like using this theme’s built-in theme settings panel.

Custom Menus Support: Organize your menus in any structure you like using this theme’s elegant drop down menus (with unlimited depth support) and its built-in support for WordPress Custom Menus.

PSD Source Files: All of the Photoshop PSD files we used to create this theme are included, giving you the freedom to customize it even more should the need arise.

6 Color Schemes: Choose and use any of this theme’s 3 gorgeous color schemes or create your own.

Theme Support (From Us!): Got a question, issue, or just need a hand working with this theme? We’re here for you whenever you need us. Post a comment, send us an email, or even send us a tweet—we’ll always respond and do whatever it takes to help get you on your way.

Credits: Stock images courtesy of 4Templates/ArixMedia; fonts courtesy of Google Web Fonts (Open Sans)


02.08.2013 – Updated the default color schemes.

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