Sunday, May 5, 2013

FancyTheme - Multipurpose WordPress Theme

FancyTheme - Multipurpose WordPress Theme - ThemeForest Item for Sale

The FancyTheme WordPress theme is so clean, super flexible and has a fully responsive design (try resizing your browser). Built with HTML5 and CSS3 . A lot of thought and care were put into FancyTheme making it a pleasure to use. The clean, modern design can be used for any type of website; business, corporate, portfolio, products, etc. The FancyTheme comes with built in Under Construcion page.

I carefully handcrafted this template with a strong focus on typography, usability and overall user-experience. It’s very quick to setup and easy to customize.

Under Construction Module


  • Clean, Modern Design can be used for any type of website

  • Fully Responsive

  • Built with HTML5 and CSS3

  • Custom Background Image

  • Custom Background Pattern

  • Advanced Option Panel

  • Turn ON/OFF Responsivness

  • Includes the Awesome Parallax Layer Slider Plugin – $15 Value

  • Under Construcion

  • 5 Great Sliders

    • FlexSlider

    • Featured List

    • 3D Gallery

    • Parallax Layer Slider

    • Recent News Slider

  • Sliders are touch swipe compatible

  • Unlimited Colors

  • Boxed and Wide Layout

  • Working Contact form

  • Cross Browser support

  • Twitter integrated

  • Sortable Portfolio

  • Strong focus on typography, usability and overall user-experience

  • Quovolver (Quote rotator)

  • 29 Template pages pages

    • Default Template – Right sidebar page

    • 404 Page – 404 custom error page

    • Archives – Archive page with pages and last posts

    • Blog – Right sidebar blog page

    • Blog 3D Timeline – 3D Timeline blog page

    • Blog Full Width – Full width blog page

    • Blog Left Sidebar – Left sidebar blog page

    • Blog Small Thumb Left Sidebar

    • Blog Small Thumb Right Sidebar

    • Contact – Contact page

    • Full Width Page

    • Gallery 2 Col – Gallery page with two images in a row.

    • Gallery 3 Col – Gallery page with three images in a row.

    • Gallery 4 Col – Gallery page with four images in a row.

    • Page Left Sidebar

    • Portfolio Left Sidebar 2 Col

    • Portfolio Right Sidebar 2 Col

    • Portfolio Small Thumb Left Sidebar

    • Portfolio Small Thumb Right Sidebar

    • Portfolio Sortable 2 Col

    • Portfolio Sortable 3 Col

    • Portfolio Sortable 4 Col

    • Portfolio Standard 2 Col

    • Portfolio Standard 3 Col

    • Portfolio Standard 4 Col

    • Recent News – Recent News Page

    • Team – displays team members

    • Testimonials – displays testimonials

    • Top News – displays top news (by views)

  • 70+ Google fontss

  • Social media icons

  • SEO optimized

  • Translation Support, Includes the .po and .mo files

  • Unbranded Advanced Theme Options Panel

  • Post sharing box with social icons

  • 5 Custom Widgets

  • Lots of Shortcodes, easily accessed as select list

  • 10 Portfolio template pages:

    • Sortable Four Columns

    • Sortable Three Columns

    • Sortable Two Columns

    • Standard Four Columns

    • Standard Three Columns

    • Standard Two Columns

    • Left Sidebar Two Columns

    • Right Sidebar Two Columns

    • Small Thumbs Right Sidebar

    • Small Thumbs Left Sidebar

  • 4 Gallery template pages

    • Four Columns

    • Three Columns

    • Two Columns

    • Default page

  • Third level dropdwon menus

  • WordPress 3.5+ ready

  • and much more …

Includes Awesome Parallax Layer Slider Plugin – $15 Value!

Unbranded Advanced Theme Options Panel

FancyTheme Showcase




Version 1:

- Initial release

Version 1.1:

- Fixed homepage blog pagination.

Version 1.2:

- Fixed News Shortcode duplication


  • Icons

  • Shimmer Icons – Free Set Icon Design by Creative Freedom

  • Instantshift icons

  • Icons

  • Fancybox

  • FlexSlider

  • Quovolver

  • Patterns

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